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CHISU team members pose for a photo on a set of stairs at GDHF 2023.

Breaking silos to increase digital health access: CHISU’s key takeaways from GDHF 2023

CHISU team members share their experiences and key takeaways from the Global Digital Health Forum 2023. Read more ›

Thumbnail that reads: "Unleashing the Power of the HIS SOCI Tool"

Launching the digital HIS Stages of Continuous Improvement (SOCI) tool to empower HIS stakeholders

To inform those working on their country’s health information system (HIS) with insights and practical guidance, CHISU hosted a webinar on November 20 titled “Unleashing the Power of the HIS Stages of Continuous Improvement Tool.” Learn more about the content of the webinar and how to use the HIS SOCI toolkit. Read more ›

Thumbnail that reads "CHISU at the Global Digital Health Forum 2023"

Convening around digital health innovation at the Global Digital Health Forum 2023

The Global Digital Health Forum (GDHF) 2023 took place from December 4–6 2023 as a hybrid event—both virtually (Asia and East Africa time zones) and in-person in Washington, D.C. GDHF is a leading networking and relationship-building opportunity to connect government stakeholders, digital health developers, health systems leaders, researchers, donors, implementers, and field experts in public health and technology from across the globe—and CHISU welcomed the opportunity to exchange lessons learned and engage in thought leadership with other attendees. More than 40 GDHF participants presented work done with CHISU’s support. Read more ›

People sit around tables with computers in front of them at a workshop.

Improving data use in Malawi by upgrading the national health information software—and training key staff on its use

As part of CHISU’s work to strengthen Malawi’s health information system and improve the country’s data use, the program worked with the Government of Malawi to upgrade their DHIS2 software and supported the training of key users. Read more ›

CHISU meeting with Côte d'Ivoire’s National Malaria Control Program and the Ministry of Health Information System Directorate.

Why is governance important in health information system strengthening—and how does it play a role in CHISU’s work?

Digital Health Week 2023 is an opportunity for the digital health community to share their successes, challenges, and perspectives on the role of digital health in achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Several of the week’s themes resonate with CHISU’s work, but the theme of governance stands out. We asked CHISU team members: Why do you think governance is important when it comes to health data and digital health tools? And how does governance play a role in the work you do for CHISU? Read more ›

A man and two women sit on couches and have a discussion.

Connecting the stories of health information system progression across Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Mali

For CHISU Deputy Director Dr. Stephanie Watson-Grant, who recently traveled to several countries where the program works, the opportunity to visit country teams is “absolutely invaluable.” This is partly because she’s able to spend so much time with each CHISU expert (which she said equates to a year’s worth of being online), but also because she can better understand their context and the work they’re doing. Read more ›

A blue square with hexagonal shapes and a computer screen illustration also reads: "Prioritizing digital health at #UNGA78"

Reflecting on the role of digital health and transformation during this year’s UN General Assembly

World leaders have been convening in New York over the past week for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) high-level meetings. Here at CHISU, we’re closely following these discussions and their outcomes so we can apply our expertise and accelerate action to strengthen health information systems across the globe. Read more ›

Pictures of the HPHC webinar panelists, moderator, and chairperson are displayed horizontally.

Sharing experiences using the High Performing Health Care Tool in Ethiopia, Madagascar, Pakistan, and the Philippines

On June 27, USAID and CHISU hosted a webinar titled: “Local and Global Health System Performance Monitoring.” The webinar was the second in our series that shares learnings from health system assessments using the High Performing Health Care (HPHC) Tool in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).  Read more ›

Two women speak to each other at a data quality assurance workshop.

Moving from data to action: Improving data quality through subnational-level trainings in Indonesia

Turning data into action to improve health outcomes entails having processes, tools, and a workforce that’s able to assure that data are high-quality. To help address this need, CHISU is working with Indonesia’s Center for Data and Information (Pusdatin) to roll out the World Health Organization’s Data Quality Assurance (DQA) module, adapted to the country’s context and needs. Read more ›

People look at a computer screen together at a workshop.

Supporting Serbia’s coordination body for health information system strengthening

CHISU provides technical support to Serbia’s eHealth coordination body created by the country’s government in 2023. This builds on previous work that started in 2021, when CHISU helped analyze Serbia’s health care situation and develop a five-year eHealth strategy and a two-year action plan. Read more ›