
CHISU is supporting the Government of Malawi to improve coordination of its HIS, strengthen the implementation of national policies and guidelines, and improve use of data at national and decentralized levels.

CHISU is continuing to support national-level HIS strengthening interventions initiated in Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) based on the gaps and recommendations from the CHISU-led Stages of Continuous Improvement (SOCI) assessment, as well as data quality and improvement interventions in the eight CHISU-targeted districts. CHISU is also initiating additional data use strengthening interventions at the district and facility levels.

Strengthening malaria data systems and use in Malawi

To strengthen HIS governance and leadership, CHISU is: 

  • Supporting national-level monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and NMCP technical working group meetings
  • Providing technical inputs to the national Malaria Surveillance M&E efforts
  • Supporting finalization and implementation of national HIS policies and strategies
  • Initiating dialogue on the inclusion of private sector health service providers in the national HIS

To increase availability of quality health information in the country, CHISU is supporting implementation of routine malaria data quality verification at the district and facility levels and training facility staff on direct DHIS2 data entry for malaria data in CHISU-targeted districts. The program is also:

  • Supporting the national DHIS2 version upgrade and training NMCP staff, malaria coordinators, and health management information system (HMIS) officers on the upgraded system
  • Providing technical procurement for the distribution of registers and procuring and distributing an emergency supply of key registers as needed

To improve data management, analysis, and use, CHISU is: 

  • Supporting the implementation of supportive supervision
  • Supporting targeted data use mentorship using appropriate visualization tools (DHIS2 dashboards, score cards, and relevant manual visualization tools) at the facility level
  • Supporting the Central Monitoring and Evaluation Division (CMED), NMCP, and the Digital Health and the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) unit at the village clinic level in two targeted districts 

CHISU will also introduce facility- and district-level data use competitions and recognize local actions that improve service delivery through data use.

Activity Updates

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Malawi

Man distributes malaria tests and treatment

We support HIS governance and coordination in Malawi through national-level technical working group meetings and providing technical input to malaria SME and national-level HIS policies. Read more ›

Blog Posts

Using advanced data analytics for more informed COVID-19 vaccination decision making in Malawi

In 2023, CHISU initiated a multi-site research study to assess the health impact (cases and deaths averted), economic impact, and cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in Malawi and Madagascar using combined statistical, epidemiological, and economic models. The study highlights the role of mathematical models in policy analysis and utility in decision making. Read more ›

Success Stories

Developing an automated malaria bulletin application to strengthen data use in Malawi


CHISU supported the development and integration of a malaria bulletin into Malawi's national District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) platform and subsequent training for malaria data users across the country to allow health workers to easily access malaria indicators. Read more ›


CHISU Annual Report Infographic

CHISU Highlights from October 2022–September 2023


The Country Health Information and Data Systems Use (CHISU) program experienced remarkable growth from October 2022–September 2023, expanding from nine countries and regions at the beginning of the year to 17 at the end of the year. CHISU was engaged in 10 global technical activities at the beginning of the year, and 26 at the end of the year.