Activity Updates
We found 32 activity update(s).

Strengthening Malaria Data Quality in Ghana
CHISU is working at different levels of the government to address key data quality challenges through supportive supervision and coaching visits.
CHISU is partnering with the Indonesian Ministry of Health to standardize data exchange for interoperable health information systems that can seamlessly exchange data.

Improving One Health Coordination for Improved Disease Outbreak Response in Côte d’Ivoire
A digital One Health information system in Côte d'Ivoire is strengthening multi-sectoral governance to guide the country’s One Health information systems architecture and achieve interoperability across different software systems to strengthen collaboration through shared data.

Advancing Global Health Security in Burkina Faso through shared One Health data
CHISU is partnering with multiple government ministries in Burkina Faso to improve coordination and rapid response to emerging public health threats through shared data.

Strengthening disease surveillance through SORMAS training and supportive supervision
Disease surveillance is a critical aspect of global health security, helping countries understand disease threats so they can better respond to outbreaks so they can be better contained.

CHISU supported the GHS to organize a targeted Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) training program in March 2024 specifically for staff working in the public health units of Ghana’s teaching hospitals and specialized hospitals.

Addressing Malaria with Better Coordination in Madagascar
In Madagascar, we supported the National Malaria Control Program to update its Malaria Elimination Plan 2023-2027 to guide coordination and monitoring of malaria elimination progress, aligning interventions to address emerging challenges.

Supporting Improved Nutrition with Better Data in Madagascar
Good nutrition is critical for cognitive and physical health, laying a strong foundation to ensure a strong population to advance Madagascar’s growth and development.

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Thailand
We support Thailand’s Ministry of Health’s Division of Vector Borne Diseases (DVBD) to process the necessary documentation for certification of malaria elimination and associated tasks; develop an action plan to link Thailand’s Malaria Online system with other health information s

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Sierra Leone
Our work in Sierra Leone includes improving coordination between the NMCP and partner organizations; technical working group coordination—which includes the Directorate of Policy, Planning and Information (DPPI) and Community Health Workers Hub—for community health information systems

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Mali
In Mali, we supported NMCP in customizing the mRDQA tool in DHIS2; training regional and district malaria focal points and HIS officers in six regions and 41 districts on the customized tool; and conducting mRDQAs in 11 reference health centers and 33 community health centers of t

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Niger
We work to strengthen malaria data quality and use in Niger with a focus on key governance processes and documents at the national level and targeted support at the regional level to operationalize these policies and procedures.

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Madagascar
We support the Government of Madagascar to strengthen the design, development, and implementation of HIS related to malaria and other health programmatic areas.

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Malawi
We support HIS governance and coordination in Malawi through national-level technical working group meetings and providing technical input to malaria SME and national-level HIS policies.

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Kenya
In Kenya, we are supporting NMCP to improve the country’s governance by revising the national malaria policy and malaria strategic plan to reflect changes in program planning; strengthening systems to improve availability of malaria data; improving the quality and use of routine d

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Ghana
We worked in Ghana to strengthen routine malaria surveillance systems by improving malaria data quality through capacity building in data validation and verification; facilitating data quality review meetings; data quality audits; and micro-teaching and coaching during supportive super

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
In DRC, we support the country’s NMCP and provincial health offices to strengthen malaria health information systems through improved use of malaria data systems and dashboards that visualize key metrics—as well as through increased availability, quality, and timeliness of malaria
Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Burundi
In Burundi, we provide technical support to strengthen the capacity of Burundi’s NMCP and other national health programs.

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Burkina Faso
CHISU supports Burkina Faso’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) to strengthen the use of data for action at the regional and district levels.

Regional HIS Learning Event in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean
At the end of January 2024, CHISU convened regional health information system (HIS) stakeholders in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean (ESC) in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago to share lessons learned to strengthen HIS coordination in the region.