We support the Government of Madagascar to strengthen the design, development, and implementation of HIS related to malaria and other health programmatic areas.
To do so, we support implementation of the country’s malaria strategic plan (2023–2027) and development of that plan’s monitoring and evaluation plan. We are also building the capacity of health workers involved in malaria management to use and generate quality data by organizing training sessions at the central and regional levels. CHISU also facilitates workshops to assess data quality, program performance, and the impact of response and control strategies; supports development of malaria bulletins; and is an active member of various technical working groups. Lastly, CHISU is rolling out a mobile application called Scorecard which displays facility-level malaria trends against targets and commodity stock.

Other Activity Updates
Strengthening Malaria Data Quality in Ghana
CHISU is working at different levels of the government to address key data quality challenges through supportive supervision and coaching visits. Read more ›
CHISU is partnering with the Indonesian Ministry of Health to standardize data exchange for interoperable health information systems that can seamlessly exchange data. Read more ›