JSI leads CHISU, with partners RTI International, Vital Strategies, Pendulum, and the Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet-Health).
JSI & Partners

JSI, Inc., established in 1978 and headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, is a recognized leader in public health, health information system design, and health data analytics and use, providing high quality technical and managerial assistance to programs overseas and in the U.S. JSI has led significant HIS-strengthening and capacity-enhancing activities for USAID and other global health donors for more than forty years. JSI works internationally across all health areas by strengthening HIS, increasing demand for high-quality health information, developing tools and assessment frameworks, improving data collection practices and data analysis, and enhancing the use of information for decision-making. Through collaborative partnerships, JSI ensures that new systems and tools are user-centered, locally owned, and focused on solving public health challenges.

RTI International (RTI) is an independent, nonprofit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition. RTI integrates expertise across the social and laboratory sciences, engineering, and international development. RTI offers global services in health information system strengthening, data analytics, survey sciences, monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning in more than 75 countries. As a global leader in HIS, RTI has supported the rollout of DHIS2 in national deployments in Guinea, Nepal, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe; and national surveillance systems in Zimbabwe, Guinea, and Zanzibar.

Vital Strategies, Inc. is a leading global public health organization and a trusted partner of governments, aid agencies, academia, corporations, and civil society organizations around the world. Vital Strategies uses expertise in epidemiology and surveillance, strategic communication, institutional strengthening, research, evaluation, and policy advocacy. Vital Strategies is a lead partner on the Data Impact Program of the Bloomberg Data for Health initiative, which collaborates with governments to expand the use of data to enhance health policymaking.

Pendulum is a recognized leader in applied artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) in global health. Pendulum has leveraged ML by creating precise predictive models that gain insight through user interaction. Pendulum has analyzed global health and vaccine commodity supply chain data from India, Pakistan, Mozambique, and Tanzania through engagements with BMGF and UNICEF. Pendulum is beginning an engagement under Data for Implementation (Data.FI) to analyze and mine PEPFAR data for critical issues such as loss to follow-up.

Jembi Health Systems is a South African nonprofit with an established reputation as one of the leading African HIS organizations. Jembi has active projects in South Africa, Mozambique, Cameroon, Malawi, and Ethiopia. Jembi’s competencies include assessment and requirements, system design and architecture, software development and implementation, and capacity building. Jembi manages several information architectures that enable interoperability through standards-based approaches.

Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet-Health) fosters organizational growth, collaboration, and peer-to-peer support for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of health programs globally through ongoing institutional linkages among 10 academic members in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The Network, headquartered at the University of Ghana, serves as a one-stop shop for curricula and capacity building activities on MEL-relevant topics, such as data quality, analysis, and use; health programs’ M&E; impact evaluation; and economic evaluation.