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Webinar Digital Decisions Made for the COVID-19 Response: Reflections and Lessons

Digital decisions made for the COVID-19 response: Reflections and lessons

USAID Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) Project hosted a webinar titled, “Digital Decisions Made for the COVID-19 Response: Reflections and Lessons.” Read more ›

webinar participants

How has data demand been transformed in the digital age?

On April 20, the USAID Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) program hosted their webinar titled, “Data Demand in the Digital Age.” Read more ›

New eHealth Strategy Promotes Data Use in Serbia

New eHealth strategy promotes data use in Serbia

USAID-funded Country Health Information System and Data Use (CHISU) program carried out an eHealth working group in Serbia to supplement the country's eHealth strategy toolkit. Read more ›

Dr SANA Moussa, Regional Director of Health, Center West Region

Decentralized reporting at health facilities will lead to improved data quality in Burkina Faso

Since 2013, Burkina Faso has used DHIS2 for routine data management of the national health information system. The system is referred to as Entrepôt National des Données de la Santé (National Health Data Warehouse), or ENDOS-BF. DHIS2 is currently deployed throughout the country from the national to district level, with monthly data entry carried out by the manager of the Center for Health Information and Epidemiological Surveillance (CISSE) based at each district. Read more ›

Dr. Moukaila

Remote ICT assessment in Niger highlights challenges and guides planning for country HIS architecture

The Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) program conducted an assessment to understand the current state of the HIS ICT infrastructure in two priority regions in Niger. The assessment will guide the strategic planning process to develop an ICT architecture of the HIS that accounts for the realities of Niger’s context. Read more ›

 Meeting with the Serbian Office of IT and eGov

Serbia: Moving from strategy to action

Updates from Serbia on progress towards implementation of the eHealth Strategy 2021-2026 and eHealth Action Plan. Read more ›

Mr. Zakaria and his cows

The case of the dead cattle and fish in Burkina Faso

The OneHealth system in Burkina Faso, supported by CHISU, tackles the mysterious deaths of local cattle and fish. Read more ›

Interoperability diagram

Ministries gain better insights from interoperable data in Burkina Faso

In 2019, USAID supported the development of a One Health information system in Burkina Faso with MEASURE Evaluation (a USAID funded project), and continued support through the Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) program to create a comprehensive and effective response to zoonotic and key human health threats at the community level. Read more ›

Serbia eHealth digitization

On January 27, the USAID Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) Project hosted the latest webinar in its technical leadership series titled, “Insights from Serbia: Progressing towards eHealth digitization.” Read more ›

Screenshot of HPHC website tool

An innovative tool that helps track a country health system’s ability to deliver care

USAID’s new Vision for Health System Strengthening 2030 calls for a whole-of-society collaborative effort between public health services, communities, and health care institutions to ensure health systems perform in ways that promote the achievement of universal health coverage (UHC). To measure progress toward becoming a high performing health system, CHISU and USAID developed a web-based application called the High Performing Health Care (HPHC) systems tool. Read more ›