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CHISU helps countries build resilient health information systems (HIS) that strengthen prevention and control of malaria outbreaks and epidemics. Malaria continues to be a major public health threat worldwide, with 249 million malaria cases in 2022. Better integrating malaria data into health information systems—and using that data to help target interventions—can help countries improve malaria program management.

Learn more about our malaria-related activities below.

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CHISU Semiannual Report October 2023-March 2024

This semiannual report covers highlights from the first half of CHISU's Planning Year 4 (October 2023-March 2024). You can also find the report infographic in a separate resource.

Activity Updates

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Addressing Malaria with Better Coordination in Madagascar

In Madagascar, we supported the National Malaria Control Program to update its Malaria Elimination Plan 2023-2027 to guide coordination and monitoring of malaria elimination progress, aligning interventions to address emerging challenges.

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Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Thailand

We support Thailand’s Ministry of Health’s Division of Vector Borne Diseases (DVBD) to process the necessary documentation for certification of malaria elimination and associated tasks; develop an action plan to link Thailand’s Malaria Online system with other health information systems; and improve the availability, quality, and timeliness of…

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Sierra Leone

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Sierra Leone

Our work in Sierra Leone includes improving coordination between the NMCP and partner organizations; technical working group coordination—which includes the Directorate of Policy, Planning and Information (DPPI) and Community Health Workers Hub—for community health information systems piloting; disseminating data analysis products (such as…

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Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Mali

In Mali, we supported NMCP in customizing the mRDQA tool in DHIS2; training regional and district malaria focal points and HIS officers in six regions and 41 districts on the customized tool; and conducting mRDQAs in 11 reference health centers and 33 community health centers of the six regions.

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Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Niger

We work to strengthen malaria data quality and use in Niger with a focus on key governance processes and documents at the national level and targeted support at the regional level to operationalize these policies and procedures. We also help foster malaria data management at all levels. At the central level, we support Niger’s NMCP in the…

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Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Madagascar

We support the Government of Madagascar to strengthen the design, development, and implementation of HIS related to malaria and other health programmatic areas. 

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Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Malawi

We support HIS governance and coordination in Malawi through national-level technical working group meetings and providing technical input to malaria SME and national-level HIS policies. We also provided technical assistance for the DHIS2 upgrade and key user training; supported institutionalization of data quality protocols; and developed an…

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Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Kenya

In Kenya, we are supporting NMCP to improve the country’s governance by revising the national malaria policy and malaria strategic plan to reflect changes in program planning; strengthening systems to improve availability of malaria data; improving the quality and use of routine data for decision making by implementing the Malaria Routine Data…

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Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Ghana

We worked in Ghana to strengthen routine malaria surveillance systems by improving malaria data quality through capacity building in data validation and verification; facilitating data quality review meetings; data quality audits; and micro-teaching and coaching during supportive supervision. We assessed and established interoperability…

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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

In DRC, we support the country’s NMCP and provincial health offices to strengthen malaria health information systems through improved use of malaria data systems and dashboards that visualize key metrics—as well as through increased availability, quality, and timeliness of malaria data. In addition, we are strengthening capacity for data analysis…

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Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Burundi

In Burundi, we provide technical support to strengthen the capacity of Burundi’s NMCP and other national health programs. This includes strengthening the capacity of surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME) professionals to improve data collection, quality assurance, analysis, and use of malaria and other health information to understand and…

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Burkina Faso

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Burkina Faso

CHISU supports Burkina Faso’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) to strengthen the use of data for action at the regional and district levels.

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Creating a National Data Quality Assurance Plan in Mali

Mali recently developed its first national data quality assurance (DQA) plan, which will help improve data quality issues around malaria and other health issues. CHISU supported this initiative, which included consultations with various HIS stakeholders.

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Malaria HIS Governance Technical Working Group Meetings in Madagascar

CHISU has reinforced malaria health information system governance in Madagascar by conducting quarterly surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME) technical working group (TWG) meetings that aim to monitor activity implementation and ensure that interventions align with the objectives of the new malaria national strategic plan. In December…

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Revising the Thresholds for Malaria Surveillance Guidelines in Kenya

Kenya developed the first edition of its malaria surveillance guidelines in 2023, which outlined surveillance approaches to be implemented across the 26 malaria epidemic-prone (EPR) counties. Because malaria transmission is declining in Kenya, the guidelines recommended revising the calculation of thresholds used to monitor malaria epidemics,…

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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Semiannual Malaria Review Meetings in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

In 2023, CHISU supported semiannual malaria data review meetings in nine provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). In Kasaï-Oriental Province, more than 25 professionals came together for a five-day workshop to improve malaria interventions through data review. Participants analyzed health zone data, assessed its quality,…

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Supportive Supervision Visit on Malaria Data Quality in Ghana

CHISU recently participated in a follow-up supportive supervision visit on malaria data quality at health facilities in Ghana’s Sefwi Akontombra district. The CHISU team joined the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative’s (PMI) Data Specialist and the Regional Malaria Focal Person for the Western North region on this trip. The visit aimed to verify…

Success Stories

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Strengthening gender-responsive data use in Kenya

CHISU helped review and train a second cohort of malaria program staff on a malaria-focused epidemiology curriculum in Kenya in October 2023. Working closely with Dr. Maria Thuita, the epidemiology training coordinator, CHISU realized that the training curriculum did not have any content about the impact of gender or sociocultural factors on…

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Improving malaria surveillance and health system interoperability in Thailand

CHISU supports Thailand's Ministry of Public Health (MOPH)'s Division of Vector-Borne Diseases (DVBD) to improve operability of its malaria information system (MIS) and to ensure integration of the MIS with other national health information systems. This will not only improve malaria surveillance but will also contribute to Thailand’s national…