Democratic Republic of the Congo

CHISU supports the Ministry of Health to strengthen malaria health information systems at the national and provincial levels through improved interoperability of malaria data systems; increased availability, quality, and timeliness of malaria data; and strengthened implementation of guidelines and digital tools.

CHISU is supporting DRC’s ministry of health (Ministère de la Santé Publique, or MSP) to: 

  • Improve coordination of malaria data systems
  • Strengthen the implementation of guidelines and digital tools
  • Improve the availability, quality, and timeliness of malaria data
  • Strengthen the review and analysis of malaria data at the national and provincial levels

How is CHISU supporting digital transformation in DRC?

CHISU is supporting DRC’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP, or Programme National de Lutte Contre le Paludisme) work at the national level and in nine provinces, with five hosting dedicated advisors: Haut Katanga, Tanganyika, Kasai Oriental, Kasai Central, and Sud Kivu. These provinces were selected after NMCP identified 10 provinces with the highest level of malaria since 2018 (i.e., malaria burden above 60 percent). From those 10, five fall within the nine provinces that the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) currently supports. CHISU is targeting its support to these five provinces while also providing limited virtual and meeting support to the other four PMI provinces, as they also have some of the greatest issues regarding timeliness and completeness of malaria data.

Supporting malaria surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation

At the national level, CHISU is supporting NMCP to:

  • Organize key coordination meetings and data review and analysis meetings to ensure that they have the ability and resources to lead DRC’s malaria response 
  • Disseminate tools and guidance (including malaria Routine Data Quality Assessments, or mRDQAs, and the Malaria Dashboard)
  • Organize NMCP annual reviews in each of the nine PMI-supported provinces
  • Make strong evidence-informed decisions
  • Ensure NMCP can provide provinces with the supervision they need to review and act on the data reported 

At the provincial level, CHISU will support NMCP’s Division Provincial de la Santé (DPS) to: 

  • Review data from and provide support to health zones (HZs)
  • Use tools and guidance from the NMCP to support data quality, including processes for collection, analysis, and use
  • Make critical decisions about where to invest resources 

CHISU is also supporting the NMCP and DPSs to improve coordination among implementers and partners, and is supporting the NMCP to engage in and participate in scientific research. To strengthen DRC’s HIS and increase the availability of quality health data, CHISU is working with NMCP and DPSs to conduct mRDQAs and use the findings to improve data quality through targeted interventions. CHISU is also working with the NMCP and DPSs to develop and disseminate data analysis products, including malaria bulletins and reports, as well as coordinate supervision with other technical assistance providers. Finally, to improve use of health data, CHISU is organizing standardized data review and analysis meetings to assist the NMCP staff to make decisions and share quality data to DPSs and HZs.

Activity Updates

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Woman looks into a microscope

In DRC, we support the country’s NMCP and provincial health offices to strengthen malaria health information systems through improved use of malaria data systems and dashboards that visualize key metrics—as well as through increased availability, quality, and timeliness of malaria Read more ›


Democratic Republic of Congo hosts scientific conference to share lessons learned to improve malaria prevention and control

The joint Scientific Days conference was held from May 20–23, 2024, at the University of Lubumbashi to share learning for malaria control. Read more ›

Success Stories

Ensuring accurate data informs the Democratic Republic of the Congo's strategic response to malaria


CHISU worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to conduct an analysis of malaria-related deaths reported by health facilities between January and December 2023. The analysis identified erroneously reported malaria-related deaths and, in coordination with the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), CHISU guided the processes to correct these data for improved malaria data. Read more ›


CHISU Annual Report Infographic

CHISU Highlights from October 2022–September 2023


The Country Health Information and Data Systems Use (CHISU) program experienced remarkable growth from October 2022–September 2023, expanding from nine countries and regions at the beginning of the year to 17 at the end of the year. CHISU was engaged in 10 global technical activities at the beginning of the year, and 26 at the end of the year.