We have had a busy year supporting digital transformation across 4 continents. A few of these highlights include:
- 2 Stages of Continuous Improvement (SOCI) assessments completed: In Burkina Faso and Serbia, CHISU supported training and use of the HIS SOCI bringing together stakeholders to build consensus, identify gaps and chart out a path to measurable progression across the core domains.
- 2 e-Health strategies supported: For example, in Serbia, CHISU is working with the Prime Minister's Office and other stakeholders to develop the country's e-health national strategy to provide a unified EHR for clients, improve interoperability, and increase the quality of health data to better address health priorities and gaps.
- 4 health information systems expanded and improved: For example, CHISU digitized, tested and launched the High Performing Health Care (HPHC) Tool available in English, French and Spanish. To date, over 40 organizations have registered to use the tool.
- 393 people with enhanced HIS capacities across CHISU programs: For example, in Burkina Faso, CHISU trained 34 district health staff and 126 community agents (health, wildlife and environment) to identify and report unusual health events that occur in the community on the DHIS2 based One Health information system.
We look forward to sharing more results in the years to come as we improve HIS Governance, Data Use, Systems and Capacity Enhancement.
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