
Improving malaria data quality for better decision making in Mali
While malaria is a primary cause of mortality and morbidity in Mali, the country’s fight against the disease has made encouraging progress in recent years thanks to better data management and use. Read about how CHISU has supported Mali's National Malaria Control Program to customize and implement the Malaria Routine Data Quality Assessment (mRDQA) tool to improve malaria data quality. Read more ›

For CHISU Deputy Director Dr. Stephanie Watson-Grant, who recently traveled to several countries where the program works, the opportunity to visit country teams is “absolutely invaluable.” This is partly because she’s able to spend so much time with each CHISU expert (which she said equates to a year’s worth of being online), but also because she can better understand their context and the work they’re doing. Read more ›

Mali: Exploring the use of artificial intelligence for improved COVID-19 vaccine allocation
In Mali, traditional methods of data analysis have been helpful in understanding the COVID-19 situation on the ground at the time the data were collected. But these methods only help with creating reactive programming—which is often expensive and comes too late for the hardest hit populations. That’s why CHISU is exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate more proactive programming and improve Mali’s response to COVID-19 and future health emergencies. Read more ›

Mali: Improved COVID-19 surveillance data quality enables better decision-making
The Ministry of Health and Social Development of Mali has been using the DHIS2 platform for Health Information System data management at all levels since 2016. It has been a priority to improve data reporting and real-time decision-making in the country. Read more ›