
CHISU is supporting the Government of Niger to strengthen its health information system (HIS) leadership and governance as well as its data quality and data management capacity.

Digital transformation involves improving people’s skills to better manage HIS data; collecting and treating more data to further inform decision making through data visualization; and improving data management processes, such as data quality and use. CHISU is strengthening Niger’s HIS to make it more integrated, reliable, secure, and able to generate real-time information that’s useful for decision making. 

To do this, CHISU is: 

  • Strengthening HIS leadership and governance at the national and regional levels 
  • Supporting development of the country’s new HIS Strategic Plan 
  • Facilitating the restructuring of the health management information system (HMIS) technical working group (TWG) to include an IT subgroup that will deal with all aspects of architecture and application development for the HMIS 

These activities will allow national programs and directorates, focus regions, and all levels of the health system to become more involved in the HIS. 
CHISU is also supporting efforts to strengthen DHIS2 use in the maternal and child health, family planning, and immunization programs in the Maradi and Zinder regions—and the program is also working to better understand information communication technology needs in these regions. Additionally, CHISU is supporting documentation of the scope of data quality gaps, supporting orientation to data management standard operating procedures, and implementing the data quality assurance plan in Maradi and Zinder.

CHISU is expanding its work in Niger in the Dosso and Tahoua regions by conducting an information communication technology (ICT) assessment in those regions. CHISU is also planning to carry out DHIS2 and data quality review (DQR) training in these two regions as well as for regional malaria focal persons and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) officers.

In addition, CHISU will work on strengthening malaria data quality and use in Niger with a focus on key governance processes and documents at the national level—while also providing targeted support at the regional level to operationalize these policies and procedures. CHISU will support malaria surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME) through fostering management of malaria data at all levels and data quality and use improvement; assist the NMCP in generating the national quarterly bulletin; and facilitate the decentralization of its development at the regional level to empower regional and district management teams in effectively managing and using malaria data. 

Activity Updates

Strengthening data use for action against malaria in Niger

Group of men around a table

We work to strengthen malaria data quality and use in Niger with a focus on key governance processes and documents at the national level and targeted support at the regional level to operationalize these policies and procedures. Read more ›

Blog Posts

Implementing tools and building capacity around data quality review in Niger

CHISU is helping coordinate the implementation of data quality review (DQR) tools in Niger in collaboration with the Ministry of Health Directorate of Statistics. Although the country deployed the DHIS2 data management platform in 2017, quality data collection remained problematic, particularly for the routine Health Information System (HIS). Read more ›


ICT equipment transfer furthers health information infrastructure in Niger

CHISU formally transferred information and communication technology (ICT) equipment to integrated health centers (IHCs) in the Dosso and Tahoua Regions of Niger in September 2024. Read more ›

Success Stories

Supporting Niger’s digital health transformation


CHISU partnered with Niger's Ministry of Health to accelerate the country's digital transformation, including launching of a dedicated unit for digital health, ensuring efforts align with digital health standards, and leading the development of a comprehensive national digital health master plan. Read more ›


CHISU Annual Report Infographic

CHISU Highlights from October 2022–September 2023


The Country Health Information and Data Systems Use (CHISU) program experienced remarkable growth from October 2022–September 2023, expanding from nine countries and regions at the beginning of the year to 17 at the end of the year. CHISU was engaged in 10 global technical activities at the beginning of the year, and 26 at the end of the year.