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Addressing Malaria with Better Coordination in Madagascar

Madagascar has seen an increase in malaria cases in recent years. The Ministry of Health (MOH) has responded with innovative strategies to eliminate malaria in the country. However, health officials have not had a structure for emergency response efforts, making it difficult to coordinate an effective response to malaria outbreaks. CHISU supported the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) to update the Madagascar Malaria Elimination Plan 2023-2027 to guide stakeholders in coordinating and monitoring malaria elimination progress. CHISU’s assistance ensures interventions are aligned with the country’s new Malaria National Strategic Plan 2023-2027 to address emerging challenges, such as resistance to mosquito nets and changing patterns of mosquito malaria vectors. 

Elements of the new Malaria Elimination Plan include:

• Evidence-based intervention strategies

• Strengthened surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation 

• A strategy to increase community engagement to promote preventive behaviors and health service uptake

• An optimized resource allocation plan to achieve elimination goals 

In addition, we helped the MOH strengthen rapid response capability before, during, and after emergency situations so that epidemic hotspots are quickly and effectively controlled. The Ripost Plan 2023-2027 complements the Malaria Elimination Plan, ensuring alignment of  the country’s strategic approach and providing a framework to address future outbreaks. Both the Malaria Elimination Plan and the Ripost Plan are crucial tools to guide implementation of the new Malaria National Strategic Plan to control the epidemic and its resurgence and ultimately eliminate the disease across the country.

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Three people holding signs featuring malaria messaging and one person wears mosquito costume