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Success Stories

Person looking at computer screen

CHISU Results in Action: Streamlining Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Case Management in Haiti


CHISU is supporting Haiti to develop an information system to build upon the existing operational and workflow infrastructure of the country's orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) program for case management, tracking beneficiary access to services and support, and PEPFAR reporting. Read more ›

Three people receiving an award

CHISU Results in Action: Improving Data Quality and Use in Eight Districts in Malawi Contributes to Increased Uptake of Malaria Prevention Services


The CHISU program works with Malawi’s National Malaria Control Program to improve the quality and use of the malaria data by targeting eight high malaria burden districts, including a data quality standard operating procedure (SOP), data quality training, and technical support for outreach training and supportive supervision (OTSS) and district data reviews. Read more ›

Two people working at their computers

CHISU Results in Action: Automating Geospatial Data Visualization for Better Public Health Decision Making in Serbia


CHISU assisted in developing custom software to help automate two major processes in Serbia: visualizations of geospatial data pertaining to public health and the processing of data obtained from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Read more ›

Four people seated at a table in a meeting

CHISU Results in Action: Improving the Health and Supply Chain and Systems to Increase Commodity Availability in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


While St Vincent and the Grenadines' supply chain only contains two tiers, several obstacles exist to understanding and effectively balancing supply and demand for health commodities. CHISU supply chain and information technology experts traveled to the country to assess these obstacles and make recommendations to improve commodity management and availability at health facilities nationwide. Read more ›

Training attendees standing in front of a building

CHISU Results in Action: Improving Malaria Data Quality in Burkina Faso Using District-Level Data Validation and Involving Head Nurses


CHISU supported Burkina Faso’s plans to deploy ENDOS-BF in all 256 public primary health facilities in the seven health districts of the Centre Ouest region. With this approach, timely data entry rose from 66 percent in 2020 to 90 percent in 2021 then to 97 percent in 2022 for the Centre Ouest region. Read more ›

Leveraging Software to Improve Data Visualization at the Institute Of Public Health of Serbia “Dr. Milan

CHISU Results in Action: Leveraging Software to Improve Data Visualization at the Institute Of Public Health of Serbia “Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut”


Thanks to CHISU’s support, public health employees in Serbia have acquired new skills and are now trained to independently make new analyses and visualizations of their large volume of data.  Read more ›

CHISU Results in Action: Fostering Cross-Country Learning to Strengthen Health Information Systems in Saint Lucia


The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs (MOH) embarked on a renewed effort to strengthen and expand its use of technology to improve management of COVID-19 data in Saint Lucia.  Read more ›

Data Quality Assurance to Improve Decision Making in Mali

CHISU Results in Action: Data Quality Assurance to Improve Decision Making in Mali


Mali just developed its first national Data Quality Assurance (DQA) Plan, an initiative that counted on CHISU’s support and included consultations with a wide range of Health Information System stakeholders.  Read more ›

CHISU Results in Action Developing a New Malaria Strategy to Guide Implementation of Malaria Activities in Malawi From 2023 to 2030

CHISU Results in Action: Developing a New Malaria Strategy to Guide Implementation of Malaria Activities in Malawi From 2023 to 2030


CHISU supports health information systems (HIS) governance as well as improved availability and use of quality health data in Malawi as the country works toward malaria elimination. Read more ›

CHISU Results in Action: Health Information System Assessment Tool Implementation in Two Countries


With the support of CHISU program, the HIS directorates in Madagascar and Niger planned to conduct an assessment of their HIS with the SOCI tool prior to the planning phase of their new strategic plans.  Read more ›

CHISU Results in Action: Strengthening Subdistrict Facility Malaria Data Validation and Verification Capacity Improves Routine Malaria Data Quality in Sunyani West District


CHISU supported the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) to build the capacity of subregional staff in six selected regions of Ghana. Read more ›

Building Digital Maturity for Digital Health Transformation in Indonesia

CHISU Results in Action: Building Digital Maturity for Digital Health Transformation in Indonesia


Indonesia is undergoing a digital transformation of their health system guided by a Digital Health Transformation Roadmap, a four-year blueprint for digitalization developed by the country’s Ministry of Health. Read more ›

Optimizing Health System Resources in Haiti Through the Carte Sanitaire

CHISU Results in Action: Optimizing Health System Resources in Haiti Through the Carte Sanitaire


Carte Sanitaire—a publicly available web tool for the geolocation of health institutions in Haiti—now provides key information to implementing the country’s Community Health Strategy thanks to CHISU support. Read more ›

Multisectoral Collaboration for Rabies Prevention: The One Health Approach

CHISU Results in Action: Multisectoral Collaboration for Rabies Prevention: The One Health Approach


CHISU supports Burkina Faso's One Health Executive Secretariat (SE-OH), including through an investigation and comprehensive response to the death of two people from rabies in the Sabou health district in late 2022.  Read more ›

Integrating two epidemiological surveillance and vaccination programs in Mali reduced data entry workload and facilitated searches.

CHISU Results in Action: Linking COVID-19 surveillance and vaccination programs with DHIS2 for better patient follow-up


COVID-19 surveillance and vaccination programs are managed by two different entities of the General Directorate of Health in Mali. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, CHISU proposed integrating both systems to improve data management in the DHIS2 platform. Read more ›

External consistency of the rate of skilled birth attendance between routine and ENAFEM survey data

CHISU Results in Action: Implementing Tools and Building Capacity around Data Quality Review in Niger


Data quality issues have been a major concern for HIS administrators in Niger. To change the situation, the Directorate of Statistics asked CHISU to assist in the implementation of the World Health Organization DQR tools when the program started operations in Niger in 2022. Read more ›

Technical team meeting in September 2022

CHISU Results in Action: Helping Improve COVID-19 Surveillance Coordination in Mali


As part of its policy to strengthen the health information system, Mali aims to ensure the production, analysis, dissemination, and use of up-to-date health information for better evidence-based decision-making. To achieve this objective, the MOH and its partners are working to maximize the use of health sector resources. Read more ›

Satu Sehat launch

CHISU Results in Action: Satu Sehat - Indonesia Goes Big with Health Information Exchange Platform for the Entire Country


Satu Sehat, or “One Health,” is a health information exchange platform that serves as a core component to support the exchange of data among health facility information systems, both private and public, as well as other health data management information systems throughout Indonesia, creating a shared health record for all Indonesians. Read more ›

Annual Statistics Report launch

CHISU Results in Action: Haiti Launches Annual Reports on Health System Performance


After a two-year hiatus, the National Health Statistical Reports for 2020 and 2021 were formally launched by the MSPP Evaluation and Planning Unit (UEP) with the support of CHISU on August 10, 2022, in Port-au-Prince. Read more ›

Facilitator presenting at DAIVT workshop.

CHISU Results in Action: Creating a Flexible and Responsive Context Enhances Malaria E-Tracker in Ghana


Ghana has earmarked six districts for malaria pre-elimination and has introduced a malaria DHIMS2 (District Health Information Management System) e-tracker into these districts to capture transactional data and improve the quality of data. Staff in the six selected districts were trained on its use to capture relevant data. Read more ›