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Map showing Suriname

Developing a blueprint for Suriname's health information exchange platform

Suriname partnered with CHISU to address its fragmented health information systems and enhance health care delivery. Read more about how a technical team developed the requirements for a tailored health information exchange platform (HIEP) to facilitate seamless data exchange and improve coordination of care among health care providers. Read more ›

Better Data for Better Decisions

Better data for better decisions: Building health information systems with women’s perspectives

We recently led a learning exchange in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago focused on health information systems in the Caribbean for countries to learn from each other’s efforts to accelerate digital transformation. The event highlighted the commitment to strengthening health information systems in the Caribbean but also revealed gender disparities in the region—so we're reflecting on questions that can help us close the gender digital divide. Read more ›

CHISU team members pose for a photo on a set of stairs at GDHF 2023.

Breaking silos to increase digital health access: CHISU’s key takeaways from GDHF 2023

CHISU team members share their experiences and key takeaways from the Global Digital Health Forum 2023. Read more ›

CHISU meeting with Côte d'Ivoire’s National Malaria Control Program and the Ministry of Health Information System Directorate.

Why is governance important in health information system strengthening—and how does it play a role in CHISU’s work?

Digital Health Week 2023 is an opportunity for the digital health community to share their successes, challenges, and perspectives on the role of digital health in achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Several of the week’s themes resonate with CHISU’s work, but the theme of governance stands out. We asked CHISU team members: Why do you think governance is important when it comes to health data and digital health tools? And how does governance play a role in the work you do for CHISU? Read more ›