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Using advanced data analytics for more informed COVID-19 vaccination decision making in Malawi

In 2023, CHISU initiated a multi-site research study to assess the health impact (cases and deaths averted), economic impact, and cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in Malawi and Madagascar using combined statistical, epidemiological, and economic models. The study highlights the role of mathematical models in policy analysis and utility in decision making. Read more ›

People sit around tables with computers in front of them at a workshop.

Improving data use in Malawi by upgrading the national health information software—and training key staff on its use

As part of CHISU’s work to strengthen Malawi’s health information system and improve the country’s data use, the program worked with the Government of Malawi to upgrade their DHIS2 software and supported the training of key users. Read more ›

Photo: Participants in a malaria strategy development workshop supported by CHISU and NMCP in Malawi in  early 2023.

Toward zero: Strengthening health information systems to eliminate malaria in Malawi and Ghana

This World Malaria Day, we’re marking the date with World Health Organization (WHO)’s theme “Time to deliver zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement.” The international community is focusing on the third “i” – implement – and the importance of reaching marginalized populations with the tools and strategies available today. Read more ›

Ministry of Health staff using the Malaria DQA job aid to conduct data verification in one of the CHISU supported districts.

Scaling up district malaria data quality improvement interventions in Malawi

Malawi’s National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) has been implementing periodic district mentorship to strengthen data management capacity at the facility level. This intervention improved reporting rates and timeliness of data entry into DHIS2 to 96% and 90% (2022) from 91% and 68.2% in 2018 respectively; however, data accuracy has historically been a challenge in the country, discouraging the NMCP from using data directly from DHIS2.  Read more ›

CHISU webinar: Challenges and Opportunities with Linking Malaria Data – Perspectives from Ghana and Malawi

Challenges & opportunities linking malaria data – Perspectives from Ghana and Malawi

On August 31, the USAID Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) Project hosted their webinar titled, “Challenges and Opportunities with Linking Malaria Data – Perspectives from Ghana and Malawi.” Dr. Stephanie Watson-Grant, Deputy Director, CHISU Project, moderated the webinar with panelists:  Read more ›

Participants collaborate during workshop

Malawi: A roadmap for improving the health information system

“We need to take stock of our achievements and identify persistent gaps where we can target our health information systems and monitoring and evaluation investments. I wish to thank the USAID funded CHISU program for providing the support for this process to take place.”  Read more ›